Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tonic Water Arrhythmias

★ ☆ How to buy plates at Amazon ☆ ★ BM

The Today's entry is a step by step guide as best I could and the best thing to buy BM plates I have for stamping nail.
have been already several people have told me they did not know how to do it on Amazon and I said ... I will try to explain it step by step and picture if there are more people who have this problem and they can be helpful;).
first thing I do from the link that leads directly to the plates (l ink here): Important click on photo to enlarge it and see it better;)
We see this window:
1 - We just have to click on Add to cart.
We see the following window in which the plates have added to shopping cart:
We displayed the BM plates added to our shopping and we just have to click on Proceed to checkout and leads to the following screen:
In this screen, you can choose to have Amazon account would put the mail up and would select the option below, we would put the password and go.
I have done for people who do not have an account knows how to do it step by step;). Put
mail in the box above, select the first option: I am a new customer. Then click on the yellow button : Sing In Our secure server. (this is to create an account at Amazon, which is the only way to buy).
done this we see the following screen:
This screen is to create our own on Amazon. In the first box will put the name or nickname you want to do with the account.
In the second box will get our mail. The next would be to put the same mail again to confirm. The fourth would be for the password and the next to put the password again for confirmation.
All fields
we Click on the yellow button: Create acount
We screen appears where you have to put our personal data and address where we send us the products we buy;)
name, address, zip code, country and telephone. In my phone so leave me a bit puzzled because I had never asked, but we see that is if there is any problem with the order they call you ^ ^.
When we finished we click on the yellow button: Continue

The next window would be to choose the shipping option, I always get that takes longer because it is the cheapest in almost all of the websites:-P. We chose one, we found that our data is well and click on the yellow button: Continue
The next window is to choose the method of payment, it will choose the first credit card, by clicking button: Add a new card
option is displayed and there are two boxes that we fill it with data from our credit card: card number and the verification code, which is a number that appears on the back of the card are usually three numbers that is separated from the numbers, at least in mine ^ ^. We put the expiration date of the card and we click the yellow button: add to card and then: Continue
We see the following screen for us to verify that the card details are well and if so we click on : Continue .... Lol ^ ^ again

This screen is if we put other mailing address, other than we chose the first time or if we do not send home and we want you to another site.
If we do not want to put another direction we click on the yellow buttons up: Use this adress.
If we are to another, fill in details and we'll click on : Continue

We see this screen it would be for us to review all order details: address, data card and data products we buy .
again giving us the option of shipping charges if we change one or the other in the blue box on the right we see the difference in price of an option to send to another ^ ^ . In the same box appears at the end we order total with shipping included.
If all is well and we chose the shipping cost, we only have to give up the yellow button:
Place your order in EUR.
And we would have the purchase made and the plates on the way home! ^ ^
I do not know if it has become clear, or if I explain it ... if you have any questions do not hesitate to tell me but I was delighted and I can help you in what I'm not very UU expert but a lot lol ^ ^ investigated
hope not bore you much !!!!!! Muacksssss


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