Monday, December 13, 2010

Dog Crates Conveted To Rabbit Cage

Santa Invisible

Many already know that the blog Beleth BookEater performed something like a secret friend among bloggers. The business is to give to someone new, a book and a few other little thing.
The idea was conceived only for Spain, but thanks to Liz Atlantida, we could also involve those who live across the pond, in Colombia.
As the Sabbath had spent all day outside my house and when you get a surprise that I take my package and it was!
I tell them that the gift I sent my Papa Noel, Noel rather Mama, I LOVE IT! It is precious, and the book that sent me looks very good. It has also been very pretty and made me a Cartica along with a beautiful bookmark.
So then THANKS CLAUDIA S: Thank you for thinking of a gift for me without knowing me, Many, Many, many GRACIASSSS
photic I leave the gift and pass around the blog of Claudia, Dream Memories.

Here I show you more about the lovely card and the bookmark =)

Ohhh and before I forget too Beleth because without it nothing could be done, no doubt all very well organized.
I recommend the activity. It's great, I'm sure that if they like something else I will not hesitate to participate and make a lot of promotion. Besos


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