Monday, February 14, 2011

White Spot On Inside Of Bottom Lip

I'm back and my computer has died of fright = (

So if I'm back in Manchester now! happier and content than castanets but I would not last much joy because on Saturday my laptop decided it was not working anymore .....

If all of a sudden the gentleman said here .... I have contacted the service and because I have a Dell and have no clear physical stores to go to remember the mother of one, not to take the computer so I'm waiting for my answer .... I hope you do not delay, for I am as lost in my house without my computer!! I have my mother's but of course if was previously difficult to share with my rib, my mother now add to the equation ... much computer time I have not =(!!!!
'm disgusted really, well this week was my CumpleBlog and my birthday and I would like to share with you!! to and bucking this joeeeeee computing !!!!!!!
So I will be reporting anything and when I have fixed the laptop I get a load!
Indeed, before signing off:

ratitos I hope that I leave the computer you can read and comment on your blogs !!!!!!
you soon ..... I hope .....


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