Happy Anniversary MEXICO Momoi, Thanks for supporting me and encouraging me all the time !(^^)
Halko Momoi was what our dear Momoi wrote us in this Momoi hiso letter to hand us a cartoon drawing of Peach and signature as a gift for the Third Anniversary of Momoi MEXICO THE BLOG !!!!!! WOW yeah
3 spring came to this beautiful place we given oh, and believe that I am hemocionadicimo, I never thought we reached tantans ah things that come true so many things with this place, thanks Momoi Mexico eh ah ah conosido very many wonderful people from so many places, also never thought that was achieved so much that even I figured it would come true!
We achieved our main purpose which promote our dear hera create Momoi in Mexico and Latin America, and I think we've made after seeing the large number of fans that have to do our Momoi concert ah her two visits Mexico and the support given him, I remember when this project began in 2008 there was nothing in our language and now we have a lot!
This place gave us a place to meet people like us a window one witha ah ah I wanted to know Momoi and now we miss an entire Family, Momoists Latinos have come together through ah this place and we can be aware of what happens Momoists Momoi as America, Japan and around the World! ^ ^
this place in me ah given me a lot, and larger than can say was the gift that God gave me to create this place and know ah you all for this medium, and thanks ah this beautiful place thanks so much and all international significance among the followers of Momoi, who arrived the same time Momoi and people around us to realize our work and our unconditional support and now thanks oh now it as we can get closer and communicated, both us of us she and her fans Momoi fans! Ah
ah well Momoi force reached Mexico in the past 2010 I just got the PPORTUNITY to create Momo-i Night Fest, a concert organized by Momoi Mexico in celebrating 10 years of career Momoi!
Momoi Mexico
given me and we ah ah ah lot of things given everyone to believe that did not end or stop writing all night, sinseramente as I write at this time my eyes fill with tears and joy of being able to have created this wonderful place dedicated ah a wonderful person as Momoi, rather than as a fan, always regarded eh ah ah Momoi as a person than the example of success, that all Deveria follow in the field in which we engage! Already
else for that surprise Momoi's letter arrived, I want to thank infinitely ah our good friend san Suzuki who was who spoke to our dear Momoi for real this nice letter to us, and now once in my hands was a the translation problem as it was hand ah check it could not use the translator, and me and my friends do not read kanji, so finally I get a Japanese friend that in a second leeyo and led us all, and one in English see the truduccion instruct me to do the translation in our language and fix it for the cover of the Blog and Ready! ^ ^
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