Trip to Japan!
First of all I tell them I received an email from the manager Chan Momoi, good Suzuki san where we sent a greeting by the third anniversary and giving thanks for the support we have given ah Momoi from the creation of the Blog! ^ ^
me share with you that I go out April 18 in Las Vegas NV USA, Mexico where ah course be a few days to see ah my family and from there on April 28 Rumbo go out ah Japan where I have several goals and activities, I've been in constant comunicasion Momoi's manager, where we are looking at a possible reunion with the same Momoi and where we will talk about the next event, if we follow the line of Momo-i Night Fest in where we will and that dates would be! Building
travel and be with Momoi want to do a video interview with her exclusive blog where I want to ask many questions of interest to Mexican and Latino fans, so if you have questions I can give and take of sure I was the hare in this interview!
In the coming days I'll be commenting on that date relalizaria this reunion and other activities that I do on this trip ah Japan! ^ ^
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